New OUYA system update: Jackalope

OUYA has announced the release of their first system update of 2014.  Continuing with mythical creature names (the last one was Abdominal Snowman), this one is called ‘Jackalope’. The update should already have hit your OUYA as it was set free on 2/4. The update includes the following:

Full Release Notes:

  • Added a 5-star rating system for games to help gamers find the best quality games.

    • Total rating will be shown on each game’s tile and on the game details page.

    • You can rate a game from the System Menu while in-game.

    • We’ll be changing the criteria for getting out of the Sandbox to incorporate the number of quality ratings.

  • Based on gamer feedback, we’ve added the ability to postpone a system update. Now you don’t have to wait for the update when you’ve got a group of friends over to play Bombsquad.

    • For future updates, you will get a prompt asking if you want to download the update now or later.

    • If you choose to postpone the system update, you can play games but you won’t be able to access DISCOVER or update your games until you perform the update. This is to ensure the best possible experience for these features.

    • We’ll give you a reminder about the system update each time you return to the Home screen because updates are important =)

  • Changed functionality of O and U buttons for downloaded games. O now goes to Game Details and U will launch or update a game. This is to make buttons more consistent within DISCOVER.

  • Better support for navigation with bluetooth and IR remotes – we now respect the “Enter” key in OUYA menus.

  • Based on gamer feedback, added an “overscan compensation” option in the advanced settings under HDMI.

    • A reminder that all games now submitted to OUYA are checked to make sure they are within the safe area. This option is mostly for people running sideloaded apps and older games.

    • This option can impact the visual quality, so keep that in mind when using it.

  • Fixed an issue where the downloads folder in STORAGE wasn’t appearing for some users.

  • Added rank numbers to the “Trending Now” category to make it clear that these games are in O-rank order.

  • Added a quick tutorial for new users to inform them how to properly bring up the System Menu.

If the update isn’t showing up for you.  Go to MANAGE -> SYSTEM -> SYSTEM UPDATES.



OUYA also has stated that their next big goal is to add an ACHIEVEMENTS system. They are reaching out to the OUYA community and developers to help shape what this system might be while fitting in with the current OUYA design. Check out their BLOG post for more info on all of this : OUYA.TV.


By Chris Garcia via OUYA.TV

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